Supporting the Community who live, grew-up and work around Windsor Drive Open Space is so important, particularly in such uncertain times. We want to make sure we help each other where we can and demonstrate how important our Space is to all of us.
We've noticed how many small, cottage type businesses there are in the area who use our Space either directly for their business or to unwind and support their fitness and/or mental health as they work, so we thought we'd showcase a few of them to highlight how having such an asset on our doorstep helps in ways we don't normal think about.
The first showcase is The Fox And The Hounds Ltd. who offer a personalised service for your beloved dogs, ranging from solo dog walks, to multiple dog walks with dogs from the same household, to comfort visits (refreshing bowls, providing fuss, play, toilet breaks etc.)
None of the Committee have used this service so we were curious to know more and spoke to Amber Fox who runs the service. Amber said;
"Houghton Regis is where most of my customers are, I know Windsor Drive field well as I grew up on Tudor Drive so did a lot of playing on the field and in and out of the stream, we were so luck to be able to do that. I know how important it is to have only trusted people looking after your dogs, who are after all part of the family and best friends in some cases, so I've taken extra steps to help reassure people their dogs will get the very best care. For example, we are accredited by the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers organisation and part of the Pet Professional Network. Both organizations have strict codes of ethics for only using positive reinforcement, force free training methods and kind handling. I love what we do and I take great pride in delivering the service I've promised to my customers."
If you are interested in the services Amber Fox provides, call her on 07814 017781.