I recently had the privilege of representing the Friends of Windsor Drive Community Open Space (FOWDCOS) recently on a 3 day visit to Eden Community Camp in Cornwall. I was in the company of 60 community activists from all over the UK, making connections and sharing knowledge and experiences of being active in local community projects.
The range of activities people were doing included creating community gardens, pantries and fridges, working with farmers to address river pollution, organising nature walks, supporting refugees, forming community choirs, and making a community library in a derelict bus stop.

Besides the workshops on topics such as 'creative community engagement' 'wheat and water', 'sustaining your mission' 'growing local partnerships ', we also had time for a guided tour of the rainforest in the domes by day and night, and to see the art and science installations at Eden. All these combined together to reinforce the connections between people and planet and people with each other , to see what is at risk and how we can work individually and together, even in small ways to make our world a healthier
and happier place. We also had sessions of singing and playing games, all of which created positive vibes and laughter.
Between these activities, there were the personal conversations we had with each other sharing our project stories, challenges and solutions which was equally if not more informative. Stories of people overcoming personal challenges of mental health, isolation, poverty, and becoming a refugee, through starting their own community projects.
I plan to bring all of what I learnt for the benefit of the FOWDOS campaign for WD to remain a natural open space for the benefit of all the community. I will also represent the group in the regional Eden Camp Group for Central England where we will share support and encouragement.